Farm Tour!
No, not The Farm Tour - that's a big thing around here - but late last week, Natembea welcomed the local Food Council and friends to come see what we were up to. I'll admit I was kind of nervous - I think we all were. We were expecting 20-30 folks, all deeply knowledgeable about food production and the community's needs, and we desperately wanted to make a good impression.I think we did okay. Nancy introduced everyone to the Bowman's goat project and Mark described the farm's pasture management strategies. Logan walked everyone up through the chestnuts and hazelnuts, answering detailed questions about pollination and placement. Then Lacey took the lead, giving a tour of the greenhouse, showing off the espalier fence and delighting our guests with her perennial herb and flower garden.Then came the most important part of any visit to Natembea: PLAYING WITH BABY GOATS!